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In the dimly lit corners of the ancient library, there lurked a creature unlike any other - a book consuming ghoul. With an insatiable appetite for knowledge, this shadowy figure roamed the endless rows of shelves, its sharp eyes scanning for its next literary feast.
Pages rustled as the ghoul snatched a tome from the shelf, clutching it tightly to its chest. The smell of aged paper and ink filled the air as the creature delved into the words, devouring each sentence with fervor. It was said that the mere touch of its fingertips could bring life to the most mundane of texts, breathing magic into the words on the page.
Whispers among the library patrons spoke of encounters with the elusive book ghoul - some claimed to have seen flashes of its glowing eyes peering out from behind tall stacks of books, others swore they heard its low, guttural growls echoing through the halls late into the night.
But despite its eerie reputation, the book ghoul was not feared by those who truly understood its nature. For within its dark, shrouded form lay a profound love for the written word, a relentless thirst for the stories and secrets held within the covers of each book it devoured.
And so the book ghoul continued its endless quest through the labyrinthine corridors of the library, forever in search of new tales to consume, new worlds to explore. A guardian of knowledge, a keeper of stories - the enigmatic ghoul remained a mysterious and fascinating figure, forever entwined with the boundless magic of the written word.

Breathtaking dolly…
There once was an innocent looking dolly, she could eat and breathe through the hole in her mouth. Her single eye stared relentlessly, perhaps malignantly, as though full of evil, watching, waiting. As the years rolled away, she waited in the attic to be picked up, cooed over, and set free to work her will.
Dorrie had lost her father, and did not understand this life and death thing. While her family was busy, she found happiness in the attic, with her new-found dolly. She wasn’t too concerned when her little doll began to move on its own.
But perhaps she should have wondered what the doll was capable of…

Caleb: Return to Noodle
Remember Noodle, Indiana?
So does Caleb. It ain’t Noodle anymore
And it’s all Caleb’s fault.
At least that’s how he sees it. And why not? Caleb brought hell to Noodle during his last visit. Specifically, multiple assassins looking to collect on a sizable contract on his head., caring less than nothing about how they’d turn the town into a post-apocalyptic mess.
Only the very nastiest of characters now call Noodle home. Not just for the lawlessness the town is victim to, but for the insanity that takes place within the deeper confines of the town. A town now run by an insidious group of people who look to exploit the very essence of evil in mankind. Exploit it by hosting games of skill, chance, and of course exceptional violence.
And so Caleb has now returned to Noodle to try to make things right. Only this challenge is like nothing Caleb has ever tackled before. It will dig deep, very deep, into his traumatic past, and just might turn that past into a lethal weapon that even a deadly force like Caleb has little defense against.

Haunted Castles: The Complete Gothic Stories
Haunted Castles is the definitive, complete collection of Ray Russell’s masterful Gothic horror stories, including the famously terrifying novella trio of Sardonicus, Sanguinarius, and Sagittarius. The characters that sprawl through Haunted Castles are frightful to the core: the heartless monster holding two lovers in limbo; the beautiful dame journeying down a damned road toward depravity (with the help of an evil gypsy); the man who must wear his fatal crimes on his face in the form of an awful smile. Engrossing, grotesque, perverted, and completely entrancing, Russell’s Gothic tales are the best kind of dreadful.

Kill Creek
At the end of a dark prairie road, nearly forgotten in the Kansas countryside, is the Finch House. For years it has remained empty, overgrown, abandoned. Soon the door will be opened for the first time in decades. But something is waiting, lurking in the shadows, anxious to meet its new guests…
When best-selling horror author Sam McGarver is invited to spend Halloween night in one of the world’s most infamous haunted houses, he reluctantly agrees. At least he won’t be alone; joining him are three other masters of the macabre, writers who have helped shape modern horror. But what begins as a simple publicity stunt will become a fight for survival. The entity they have awakened will follow them, torment them, threatening to make them a part of the bloody legacy of Kill Creek.
It was supposed to be a simple publicity stunt: four famous authors spending the night in one of the world’s most notorious haunted houses.

The Grand Hotel: a novel
When a desk clerk welcomes a group of tourists into his mysterious and crumbling hotel, the last thing he expects is that a lone girl on his tour may hold the power to unravel the hidden mystery that has lain for untold centuries within the structure’s walls.
THE GRAND HOTEL is a horror novel by esteemed bestselling author Scott Kenemore (Zombie, Ohio) that takes the reader on a thrilling ride through an interconnected series of stories narrated by the desk clerk and the residents of the hotel itself. And while it is not known whether or not the desk clerk is actually the devil incarnate, it is strange that so many so many visitors who come for a tour of the hotel have a way of never leaving.
As the narrator takes you deeper and deeper into the heart of the hotel, secrets that have been hiding for aeons begin to show themselves. Although he is quite prepared for this experience, there is some question as to weather or not the rest of the world shares this readiness.
Kenemore’s incredible style and originality carry The Grand Hotel to places most people only see in their nightmares. And while we don’t know all of the secrets that lie within the Grand Hotel, we know that the person who does hold that knowledge puts fear into the narrator himself-a though that ought to terrify everyone.