By Lorraine Warren, Ed Warren, Robert David Chase and William Ramsey
The Sexton’s musings (spoilers are likely):
Bill Ramsey
This story takes place in the early to mid-1980’s in Great Britain but it started long before that. The chapters are set up in parts. Part one talks about the early years of his life which consequently was normal and peaceful. Loving parents, normal childhood. Albeit Bill was a bit of a loner sometimes BUT he had no issues making friends. He liked normal kid stuff. Unfortunately, as it turns out Bill’s first episode took place when he was only 9. A crazy incident where he pulled a fence post from the ground with his bare hands. Grown men could not do that, even in the throws of a psychotic break. Frightened his parents half to death as well.
The second part touches on the Warren’s briefly at the beginning then moves back to Ramsey. It was unknown to me that they visited and took cases in Great Britain regularly. They considered it there home away from home. Obviously the world knows that they took cases there as the Enfield case took place in Great Britain.
This case is unique in that the incidents go long periods in between each other. The way I figure, but don’t know yet as I have not finished the book is that the shit is going to hit the fan. The incidents/episodes are going to get closer together eventually having need to call in help. I feel for the officer involved in the incident at the police station. A man that is usually called in to subdue, running into someone with super-human strength. Not only that but looking in to the eyes of a man possessed and knowing that you are looking into the eyes of something truly evil can have a knock-on effect on a person. Deciding to leave the force is a hard decision to make.
I enjoy that they have an interview every now and again. Although the whole book is essentially, at its essence, an interview with firsthand accounts from Ramsey but there are actual question and answer sessions in the book. I enjoy that kind of thing. Straightforward information.
The oddest attack that I feel he has is the one that involves the prostitute. I mean his reasoning is so strange. He picks her up with the intension of taking her to the police station. Essentially he makes a citizens arrest. He does indeed drive to the police station, she gets out (freaked beyond all else) and he ends up fighting with half a dozen plus officers. He ends up with two injections of Thorazine and a stay at the mental health facility….again. Well he didn’t really stay the first time but this time is was not his choice.
This poor man. Honestly he is lucky that he gets proper help when he does. After all he is told by doctors and psychiatrists alike that they have no idea what is going on with him and therefore have no idea how to help him. The fact that the Warrens get wind of his plight while they are there in England is a blessing. Almost like someone was looking out for him. It’s interesting because all his life Bill was normal (with the exception of the attacks of course). Usually one does something to invite these things but there is no mention of him doing anything to attract negative forces. I’m not quite done with the story but I wonder if we will ever know why he was actually targeted.
The exorcism of Bill Ramsey
Now lets talk about this overly ambitious small town reporter who thought he was going to crash the exorcism. I have one word…dumbass! Skeptic no more I suppose. He learned that day not to mess with negative forces in the most interesting of ways. Too bad it didn’t happen to his intrusive, disrespectful, pushy, asshole English counter parts who disrupted the lives of the Ramsey family for months before their trip to America. The public does not have a right to know. The public can stuff it…use your imagination as to where they can stuff it.
In the end, all worked out for Bill and his family. The ending to this story is a happy one (much needed after poor Maurice). The happiest that I have had the pleasure to read about. It seems that there were no horrible aftershocks or residuals for Bill. Often times being touched by negative forces seems to leave a mark but not this time.
From left to right: Bishop McKenna, Abby Ramsey, Bill Ramsey, Lorraine Warren and Ed Warren
Closing thoughts:
Out of all the cases that I have read about thus far this one seems to have the most positive outcome. I have read articles that state things have been quiet for the family for over 15 years. That feeling of dread has not crept into their lives since the exorcism. I feel like Bill’s case was unusual all around. I truly wonder what kind of negative entity was plaguing him for so long and why. That is the mystery that will probably never be solved. As for the werewolf part of things I feel that the legendary member of the cryptozoology community and what was plaguing Bill are two very different things. I separate werewolves from demons. This is not to say that a demon would not use the façade of a werewolf to protect its identity. As we have learned in the past, anonymity is their best weapon.