The Haunted
The Haunted
By Lorraine Warren, Ed Warren, Robert Curran, Jack Smurl, and Janet Smurl
The Sexton’s musings (spoilers are likely):
This is a truly unfortunate story about a situation that was thrust onto a family who did nothing to bring it about except move. Essentially flooding damaged the property that they were living in so they were forced to move. That’s it. No Ouija boards, satanic black magic rituals, or even having a fleeting interest in the occult was present. It’s messed up.
The haunting itself comprised of four different entities that get described twice during the course of this book. Only one of the entities is demonic though. The other three are human earthbound spirits that really just need to get the fuck out. One I feel sorry for because I think she is just confused however the other two deserve to burn in Hell. Actually that is why one of them does not want to move on. He’s too pussy to suffer the consequences of his life of violence. Let’s face it though, people like him, bullies, are often weak worthless POSs. Apparently that does not change after death. Pathetic!
Now let us talk about a few groups of people that really should be ashamed of themselves:
The Scranton Diocese – WTF Scranton?! Honestly this seems to be an ongoing problem with the Catholic Church. You know turning their back on people who need help just to save face, avoid embarrassment. And when they do finally send someone of course the entity is going to conceal itself, Duh! I thought these people were supposed to be the experts. They should know this. What they needed to do was talk to the plethora of witnesses to the issue. Talk to the Warrens and the other investigators. I think though that they only sent someone to save face after they were being ridiculed due to their in inaction after the Smurls went public. Mind you the infestation had been happening for nearly two years before the Smurl’s made the last ditch effort to get help by going public. That in itself should have been proof that they weren’t in it for the attention/publicity. The Church has lost its soul, which is why I do not buy into organized religion. They are worse than government because they are thought to be there for help, comfort and guidance (that’s their job, right? Not just to make money, right?). Run by greedy, power hungry, hubristic people that couldn’t give a toss less about families and people. This has been proven time and again in these situations.
The press – yeah….well at least the bad seeds don’t hide behind excuses like the church. They just let it all hang out in the form of “anything goes for a headline that will get attention”. Real journalists should be truth seekers but all too often we find that they are nothing more than gossip mongers. And the more sensational the gossip, the more papers it sells, the more viewers and listeners are in attendance (oh don’t think the general public is getting away unscathed…I’m coming to you fuckers next). This is not to say that there were not good reports. There were some that wanted to help the family, printing as much of their truth as they could considering the circumstances. There were some positive things that came from the publicity, people that wanted to help, but it also brought with it an onslaught of prying eyes and big mouths that really just needed to mind their own fucking business. They went public seeking help, not voyeurism.
Ah the human race…we are selfish bullies at our base. Before I continue down this road let me say that there were many people that communicated with the family that were sympathetic and wanted to help in any way they could. People sent prayers, relics, blessings, and positive thoughts which shows the best of humanity. Unfortunately, I’m guessing that most, let’s say 95% of the people that showed up to gawk, didn’t think of the family at all. They were in it for the thrill, the novelty. The “let’s see if we can get a glimpse” factor. Look, I know that they went public but that was only because they were at their end. They went almost two years without informing the general public of what was happening. They were at their very end by this point and the assholes that showed up to gawk, berate, laugh, get a thrill did not help. In fact, they helped break them down even further, if that’s even possible. I’ve found that we are good at that, breaking each other down. Acting in the most selfish ways because we want…think before you act people. Shit, do some research before you judge or make a decision. You’d be surprised of how much more respect you command when you’re not an inconsiderate, ignorant asshole.
As for the infestation itself…it was and potentially still is a force to be reckoned with. You see despite the three exorcisms, a multitude of prayers from all over the world and the best efforts of the Warrens and their team the family was never rid of their pest. I wonder if an exorcism performed by multiple holy men at once would have been effective? This book outlines this families experiences in some detail. I’m not going to go into it here so, if you haven’t already, you’re going to have to read the book to find out the specifics. There are pictures in about the middle of the book taken by the authors’ team. They were not taken during a time where phenomena was occurring.
Image from book - “In the basement, Jack points to the wall where psychics say an earthbound spirit named Abigail was standing.”
Closing thoughts:
I hope beyond all else that this family has found peace. I implore you Ghoulies to send out positive thoughts to this family and to any other people who are experiencing the effects of negative energies. Shut out all the useless, loud, shallow nonsense of the current world and focus on the quiet, respectful, informed parts.