True Ghost Stories: Real Haunted Woods and Forests

True Ghost Stories: Real Haunted Woods and Forests

By Zachery Knowles

The Sexton’s musings (spoilers are likely):

As we move forward with our “non-fiction” journey things will continue to be a little different. Knowles appears to be less travel writer and more into the actual stories/experiences connected with the locations so this should be a fun read. There is less history mentioned and more information about run-ins with the spirits. Do understand that because of this most of the information is second hand and open to interpretation. He explores stories from haunted woods and forests from all over the world, so while there will probably be a few return visits to some American locations we have a whole new set from other countries to explore. I will continue to talk on the chapters in a similar way to Terrance Zepke’s books and will add pictures with links to sites with additional information. I will only be doing brief overviews of what is said, to get the specific story you’ll have to read the book. Hopefully we learn more about the experiences that few of us ever get to experience and have a few good chills along the way. Shall we be on our way to visit and revisit some of the world’s haunted woods and forests? I’m feeling a bit peckish.

I enjoy the author’s introduction to the book. I think that it is well written and the style is complementary to subject matter.


Dow Hill Forest, India

Photo: “Is Dow hill Really a haunted place in the hills.” by Yogesh Gurung on (2020)

This is considered to be one of India’s most haunted regions. It’s believed that the abundance of paranormal activity is due to the multiple murders that have taken place over the years.

Dow Hill/Victoria Boys School

Photo: “Myths / Legends of Dow Hill” on

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One of the most commonly sighted entities is a headless boy. It seems that once you have the misfortune to see him it is hard to oust him from your mind. The interesting thing is that people get the feeling of being watched but this kid has no head so really technically you’re not really being watched…you could still be being stalked though.

Victoria Boys School

Photo: georgeindrani on

That feeling of being watched might be from entities that hangout around the Boys School/Hostel in the area or it could be the lady dressed in gray. Shaking the feeling that one is being followed is apparently an ongoing issue with visitors. I will say that I can understand why it is not advisable to stick around after dark.

“The forest near Dow Hills Victoria Boys' School is said to be haunted. Saurav022/Shutterstock”

Photo from: “Haunted forests around the world that will give you the chills” by Sarah Schmalbruch and Erin McDowell for Business Insider (2021).

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Aokigahara Forest, Japan


Also known as Japan’s Suicide Forest and Sea of Trees sits at the foot of amazing Mt Fuji. The statistic is that this is the sight of around 100 suicides a year. Which is an insane statistic. These suicides began in the 1950’s and have continued to present day. This forest is a maze of trees that, suicides aside, you could become lost in a hot second if not careful. Markers are often seen so that hikers can keep track of their trail. Some even use cord or string to ensure that they can retrace their steps back out of the forest.

Remains found in Aokigahara Forest

Photo: “The Creepy Confines Of Aokigahara, Japan’s Suicide Forest” by All That’s Interesting, Edited by John Kuroski

It’s not surprising that there are many entities that have made their final resting place this forest. The screams of the departed are a normal occurrence. Many explorers that have used bright tape to help them find their way out have found their tape cut. This is the suspected work of a Yurei, a spirit that was created with great violence and has great anger, hatred and the need for revenge attached to them. Apparently legend says that families would abandon their feeble, sick and elderly family members in this forest. Leaving them for dead. It is suspected that these individuals become the Yurei in this area. I just can’t with this shit. I’d be pissed too!

Some thing about the shoes is more creepy than the remains from above. It is believed that the trees move positions.

Photo: “The Creepy Confines Of Aokigahara, Japan’s Suicide Forest” by All That’s Interesting, Edited by John Kuroski

One of the more creepy things that is legend in this forest is that the trees have been known to move on their own. Moving in for the kill so to speak, moving in to grab people. The thought of that is terrifying. Plants are the most violent, prolific living thing on the planet and if they all start moving we are all in trouble. A LOT of trouble!

“Aokigahara sea of trees, near Mt Fuji”

Photo: manrikemorera on Atlas Obscura

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If you don’t want to be the one to find potential suicide victims then best advice is to not explore this stretch of forest. At the very least you will come upon the belongings of a victim of the forest, perhaps remains in the form of bones. Of course worst case scenario is finding someone that has recently passed due to suicide.  

A T-shirt is tied to a tree in the forest, known as the Sea of Tees, which is a popular spot for suicides in Japan because of its seclusion”

Photo: “In the depths of Japan's 'suicide forest': Haunting photos show scattered belongings and string to show a way out for those that change their mind and try to leave one of the world's most prevalent suicide spots” by Khaleda Rahman for mailonline (Daily Mail) (2018)

Click pic to read article - great article

This is a huge chapter, with so many experiences and so many stories. Super interesting.

Pine Barrens, New Jersey

Photo: nsbfoundationcom

A beautiful, dense piney forest that has an interesting legend attached to it. That is the legend of the Jersey Devil. A child (number 13 to be exact) born to the Leeds family. It’s said that his mother cursed the child while in-utero and that he was born with several deformities including feet and hands that resembled hooves and leathery wings on his back. It is still believed that this creature still roams the area.

The Jersey Devil

Photo: “The Jersey Devil and Pine Barrens Folklore Guided Hike” on

Not all the spirits that roam the area are malevolent in nature however. The rather kind and benevolent spirit of Dr. James Still is, even in death, treating people who become injured.

The remains of the Harrisville iron furnace stand in the Pine Barrens in Wharton State Forest, NJ.”

Photo: “Inside the creepy, abandoned villages deep in the New Jersey Pine Barrens that were once bustling towns and are now home to something much more mysterious” by Brendan McInerney for Business Insider (2019)

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Hoia Forest, Romania

Photo: Daniel Mirlea on Atlas Obscura

This is an absolutely amazing forest. There are so many different unusual things to see. Also known as the Bermuda Triangle of Transylvania. We have odd natural occurrences like trees being bent in the most unusual ways, multiple UFO sightings, a mysterious clearing that sits dead center where no trees will grow (soil test have come back clear) with no reason and lots of unique paranormal phenomena.

Hoia Baciu Forest

Photo: “The Enigmatic and Haunting World of Hoia Baciu Forest” on

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It seems that people experience everything from a feeling of unease/being watched and a bit of gastrointestinal disruption to migraines, rashes, chest pain, burns and loosing chunks of time (blackouts perhaps?). In addition several people have gone missing when their last known whereabouts were this forest.

UFO landing site and unusual tree formations

Photo: VladIV on

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There have been reports of black smoke in the shape of a man, orbs and odd lights, various voices some whispering malicious sweet nothings and cryptids with glowing green eyes. Honestly though if you do get sucked in this seems to be one of the most interesting places to get sucked into. I mean the landscape alone is full of fascinating sights.

Strange trees in Hoia Baciu Forest

Photo: “The Enigmatic and Terrifying Hoia-Baciu Forest: Romania’s Scariest Place” by Wagjihash on (2023)

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Robinson Woods, Illinois

This is not our first visit to this area. Terrance Zepke also spoke about this location in her book Spookiest Cemeteries. It was part of the extras in the last chapter of the book.

Robinson family burial ground marker.

It is believed to be haunted by the spirit of Alexander Robinson who was responsible for saving many American lives during the massacre of Fort Dearborn. He was the chief of many American Indian Tribes. Apparently this land was owned by his family at one point and he was promised that he would be buried on this land however that did not happen and his remains were interred elsewhere. It is inferred that this is part of the reason his spirit may haunt this location. However I have found information contrary to this that states he is interred here with his wife and some of his kin so which one is it? There is a memorial marker in the location they were laid to rest.

Robert Peterson, John Schuessler and Anton Schuessler


Another possible reason for the other worldly activity is the brutal murder of three young boys whose bodies were found in October of 1955 not far from and not long after the Robinson’s family home was burned to the ground (May 1955). The murderer was finally caught in August of 1994. His name was Kenneth Hansen. He was 22 at the time of the murders and was caught when he was 61. Hansen was convicted of the boys murders.

Crime scene photo

Photo: Chicago Police Dept.

Newspaper article in the Chicago Times.

Click picture to visit to read the article.

Pocomoke State Forest, Maryland


A lovely place with a dark murderous history. Allegedly this is the site of the murder of several illegitimate children produced by affairs that were had by masters with their slaves. And it seems that it was not just the children that were murdered sometimes, the mothers were also known to occasionally disappear.

Pocomoke State Forest

Photo: “Best Trails in Pocomoke State Forest” on

Other experiences include the sighting of elementals and balls of fire that don’t actually burn anything. The reports behind these are very interesting.

Pocomoke State Forest

Photo: “The Haunted Pocomoke Forest and its Urban Legends” on

Dering Woods, England

Photo: Tim Sheerman-Chase on Atlas Obscura

Nicknamed the “Screaming Woods” (as many visitors have experienced screaming, day, night and in between, summer, winter and in between, it’s a common experience) this location is the scene of over 50 disappearances and an unsolved massacre that occurred in the late 1940’s. But other than that it’s an absolutely beautiful place.

Dering Woods

Photo: Creepypasta Wiki

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The Massacre took place in 1948, the bodies discovered not long after the event, that took 20 lives (some of them children), happened. The cause of death is a mystery as there were no marks on the individuals that passed but apparently locals saw lights in the woods the night before the bodies were discovered. On the 50th anniversary of the massacre lights were seen hovering over the forest and it is at this time that four college students went missing. Bodies were never found. It’s like they vanished off the face of the earth.

Dering Wood Massacre : New Article by K Thane for The Smarden Post 1948.

Photo: Creepypasta Wiki

Dearing Wood Disappearance of four students: News article for the Kent Messenger 1996 - author unknown.


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In addition to this tragedy other ghosts mentioned are that of an army colonel, the highwayman (robber and murderer Robert Du Bois) and Lady Dering herself.

Lady Mary Dering - this woman had 17 children, she actually out lived her husband by 20 years and out lived one of her sons.


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Epping Forest, England


Dating all the way back to the Iron Age. Historically this location is a known dumping ground for murderers and go to area for rapes and other kinds of assaults it’s no wonder this has left a deep gash in the otherwise lush area.

It seems that the ponds in the area are full of the wandering unrest. There have been several reports of murder-suicides, murder and suicides (unrelated to one another) as well as phantom soldiers on horseback. See chapter for specifics.

Haunted Ponds of Epping Forest


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  Hangman’s Hill is the location of multiple hangings over time. As in all executions we have both innocent and guilty people who swing. It seems that some of these individuals are still hanging around.

Hangman’s Hill - Epping Forest: “Hangman's Hill 'anti gravity' spot, where an optical illusion makes it seem as if cars can roll up a hill”

Photo: “Hangman's Hill named in UK's top 40 'spooky streets'“ by Lewis Berrill for Epping Forest Guardian (2019)

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Knowles talks specifically about one of those earlier murderers who took advantage of the dense forest to commit their crime. His name was Richard “Dick” Turpin. Turpin was convicted and hanged for his crime and is believed to still be around.

“Eighteenth century depiction of Turpin murdering Thomas Morris from his cave”


In addition to all of the above specters there have also been reports of a headless horseman and a spirit that enjoys playing in traffic on the road surrounding the forest.

Freetown-Fall River State Forest, Massachusetts


Similar to the situation that the battle a Little Big Horn, this land belonged to the Pocasset Wampanoag tribe of Indians. This 190 acre plot of land became their home but in the early 1900’s the greed of the federal government took the land via eminent domain. Official records state that the land was take to supply Freetown with a water supply (ever think of negotiating something with the tribe instead of stealing their land, but oh yeah there was also the vein of gold or silver that you found too huh government. Makes me so mad!). Because of this it is believed that the land is cursed and will remain so until it is returned to its rightful owners.

“Convicted murderer Carl Drew is interviewed from the Massachusetts Correctional Institution in Shirley for the Epix documentary “Fall River” - Epix

Photo: “'Fall River' true crime documentary is a compelling study of 'Satanic cult' murders” by Dan Medeiros for The Herald News (2021)

Hikers have also found what is believed to be evidence that black magic and/or satanic rituals have been performed (to all you Satanists out there, stop torturing animals for your rituals and go back to people like our pimp/cult leader Carl Drew did in the 70’s and 80’s or maybe just kill a whole pan of lasagna and take a nap, Satan is all about lasagna!). Although I think that Drew was more into human trafficking than Satanism.

Pukwudgie - Mysterious Guardians of the Woods


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Pukwudgies…what the hell are they. Well they are cryptids of Native American origin that are believed to be the guardians of the forest. Not a haunting but there are reports described in this chapter that allegedly involve people getting injured and even killed by these guardians of the woods.


Photo: “Freetown Police Warn Motorists of Strange Threat in Roadways” by Tim Weisberg for 1420 WBSM.

Click pic to read the article. It’s hilarious!

The Assonet Ledge is a popular place to hang out, do some relaxing, jump to your death into the rock query below…you know just a normal day of chillin’. Allegedly the area has been known to cause feelings of despondency, depression and sadness. The ghosts of those that have suicided here have been known to relive those moments over and over again for unsuspecting hikers.

Assonet Ledge

Photo: “Ghosts of the Assonet Ledge” by Peter Muise for (2016)

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As for the Hockomock Swamp…I feel as though this area is full of hallucinogenic swamp gas because people see some strange, very random shit in this location of the forest.

“The Hockomock Swamp, or “place where spirits dwell” was the final holdout for the Wampanoag during King Philip’s War.”

Photo: “How Massachusetts Came to Have Its Own Bermuda Triangle” by Jake Robertson on Atlas Obscura

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Profile Rock aka The Old Man of Joshua’s Mountain is a sacred location for the Wampanoag tribe as it resembles Chief Massasoit Sachem. Consequently this is also the location where King Phillips son was killed. There have been many reports of otherworldly occurrences and their details that you will have to read the chapter to find out about.    

Profile Rock


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Old House Woods, Virginia


We have everything from interdimensional spaces, the spirits of pirates, slaves and soldiers, phantom houses and ships, otherworldly mists, ghostly animals (not all pleasant, some suspect hellhounds), skeletal treasure hunters and a spectral woman who is the harbinger of storms. I think it is fair to say that this location has a plethora of otherworldly occurrences that visitors and locals can run abreast of. Just be careful as there have been several disappearances over the years.

The Old House - well not really but it is an old abandoned house in the Old House Woods.

Photo: “Old House Woods” by Sherri Granato Click pic to read article

Elwood Lorraine Hudgins, inset, was postmaster at Diggs and lifetime resident of the community which includes Old House Woods. He told the Gazette-Journal in 1973, he never had an experience with the ghostly spirits rumored to be there.”

Photo: “Old House Woods has fascinated ghost watchers for decades” by Elsa Verbyla for the Gloucester-Mathews Gazette Journal (2022)

Chesapeake Bay off Old House Woods Rd


Cannock Chase, Staffordshire, England


This area is apparently a place where there is a plethora of strange and unusual experiences. There are reports of everything from Black Eyed Children to Werewolves to phantom naked gray ladies with abnormally large dark eyes (shiver).

Morris was convicted of murdering Christine Darby (bottom left), and suspected over the deaths of two others”

Photo: “Paedophile child killer kept in handcuffs as he received treatment for terminal cancer” by Andy Richardson for The Mirror (2014)

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The reports of the Black eyed children (see a few specific ones in the chapter) are thought to be associated with the rape and murder of three young girls by a murderer known as the Cannock Chase Monster aka Raymond Morris.

Christine Hamlett claims to have captured the Black Eyed Child in a photo for the first time”

The picture appears to show a figure praying in the dense woodland of Cannock Chase – a hot-spot for sightings of the Black Eyed Child”

Photo: “Black Eyed Child of Cannock Chase: Is this the first photograph EVER of the infamous spectre?” by Gareth Roberts and Mike Lockley for The Mirror (2014)

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A drone has captured imagery of what appears to be the ghost of a little girl with black eyes”

Photo: “STALKING THE WOODS: Ghost of ‘black eyed girl’ stalking walkers in UK beauty spot ‘seen by drone’” by Summer Raemason for The Sun (2023)

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There are multiple experiences discussed in this chapter. I’m just stuck on this whole Black Eyed Children thing. For some reason it really creeps me out. Well that and the naked gray lady…

Creepy Dolls tied to trees in Cannock Chase Forest

Photo: “eerie baby dolls found nailed to trees on Cannock Chase” by Charlotte Regen for (2021)

Wychwood Forest, Oxfordshire, England


So I think this is one of the oldest haunted locations I have ever read about. We are talking 3000BC. With that kind of baggage it’s no wonder there are wandering spirits in this area. This place has everything from phantom horses (the thunder of hooves hitting the ground) to flickering lights (like a lack-o-lantern candle flicker) and funky trees (that are not really trees at all but witches in disguise, watch for splinters).

The Ancient Trees of Wychwood - Really witches in disguise.


A specific story discussed it that of Amy Robsart the wife of the Earl of Leicester, Robert Dudley. She met her demise via a broken neck under suspicious circumstances (I suspect that Lord Dudley was most likely responsible). Needless to say this lovely lady has become a death omen in her afterlife. One of those “you have ten days to live” kind of curses. Reminds me of “The Ring”…only Amy is far more generous to folks that encounter her. They get an extra three days from what Samara gives.

The Death of Amy Robsart: as imagined by Victorian artist William Frederick Yeames”

Photo: “The Hauntings of Amy Robsart in Wychwood Forest” on

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Wychwood photo by Frederick Ardley

Photo from “The 10 Most Haunted Forests in the World” by Bree Sposato for Travel & Leisure (2023)

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Ballyboley Forest, Larne, Northern Ireland

Photo: “Long Winter Walk through Ballyboley Forest” by Nicholas D on

 This forest has a known druidic past. So much so that the locals do not venture into the woods. The rock formations and circular trenches are still very much in existence today. There are also paths through the forest that are cleared of all trees and obstacles but were not made by human hands (or feet).

Over the years there have been multiple disappearances, the most recent being that of a cyclist in 2012. In addition to the disappearances there has been smoke that has no source and shadow figures. If you look up the lure of the shadow figure or shadow men you will see that we also have these frightening figures in our neck of the woods often associated to disappearances. The stories are seriously creepy.

Ballyboley Forest


Robed figures have also been reported. Many of these sightings are either preceded by screams or followed by screams, both animal and human in nature. It is thought that these robed figures are that of the druids that frequented the area (perhaps they still do). There are specific stories told about these sightings in the chapter.

Believed to be the site of ancient druid rituals. The stone formations and trenches that were used in these rituals can still be seen today.

Pembrey Woods, Carmarthenshire, Wales


A wood that dates back to the Iron Age, 400BC. With a history dating back that far and a military history surrounding the land it’s no wonder we have hauntings that are occurring.

A Second World War pill box (Image:”

Photo from: “Llanelli's most famous and creepiest ghost stories and locations” by Bethan Thomas for (2020)

During WWII there was a Royal Air Force nearby. There were several planes that had crashed due to damage from combat making the spirits of the officers a common sighting.

“Former RAF Pembrey battle HQ”

Photo: David Farmer on Atlas Obscura

Then there are the Hatchet Men. Our author states that this is the name used for the individuals that would lure ships to the rocky coast line by acting as a beacon of safety. Once they were crashed on the rocks the Hatchet Men would attack with their hatchets and loot the ships. It is believed that these greedy pieces of crap are the reason there are several reports of ghost ships in the area. Many of the happenings are attributed to the Hatchet Man and their many horrible deeds.

Pembrey Forest and Beach Circular


Pembrey Woods


Morgan-Monroe State Forest, Bloomington, Indiana


Deemed too rocky to be used as farm land this state forest is a popular hiking destination and apparently a popular destination for otherworldly entities.

Morgan-Monroe State Forest

Photo: “This Haunted Hike In Indiana Will Send You Running For The Hills” by Courtney Johnston for (2016)

Within the grounds of the state forest is Stepp Cemetery where many of the departed have been forgotten. Apparently there are around 32 identifiable resting places so who knows how many unidentified ones there are. There is a stump that seems very important to one specific spirit who has been named the Lady in Black who sits on the stump and seems to be talking to no one. I suspect she is talking to her loved ones that are interred in the cemetery.

Lady in Black Tree Stump

Photo: “This Haunted Hike In Indiana Will Send You Running For The Hills” by Courtney Johnston for (2016) (Joe Monin/Flickr)

Another spirit associated with the cemetery is the grieving mother who in life lost her child to an accident, proceeded to dig up the body of her dead child and then took her own life.

Marker for Baby Lester

Photo: “This Haunted Hike In Indiana Will Send You Running For The Hills” by Courtney Johnston for (2016) (Joe Monin/Flickr)

Draper Cabin, a cabin that is available as an accommodation for people visiting the forest has had reports of unease for some that have stayed there. More detailed stories are within the chapter.

Draper Cabin


Bear Creek, Chatham County, North Carolina


This area in North Carolina has everything, beautiful views, small quaint towns with shops and restaurants, great hiking and outdoor activities and of course the barren plot of land known as the Devil’s Tramping Ground.

The Devils tramping ground

Photo: “Devil's Tramping Ground (Bear Creek, NC)” on

This entire chapter revolves around this specific area. Apparently over the years people have attempted to grow things on this land but to no avail. I seems that the soil is just not fit to house anything living. Now while this may just be attributed to the composition of the soil, it’s still rather interesting considering that the area is not that large and is surrounded by lush forest all around. The legend that is mentioned by our author is that this is where the devil paces while he plans for the following days tasks…so essentially this is where the devil updates his day planner. I love that, really. Makes me smile.

Another theory is that this is the burial location of Chief Croatoan (lost colony of Roanoke RI, a good clip away) and if this is true than the otherworldly experiences make sense. Whatever the case may be it’s probably for the best that you pick a different place to set camp because either way you slice it it’s obvious that this location is not one for the living to occupy. Potential health hazards whether they be in supernatural form or natural form. Read the chapter to hear about specific experiences.  

The Devils Circle

Photo: jowensamuels95 on atlas obscura

Assorted Tales of Forest Hauntings

Seems like our Knowles, very much like Zepke, wanted to have some honorable mentions. Not enough information to actually support an entire chapter but this does not make these locations any less interesting.  

Miramichi Forest, Blackville, New Brunswick, Canada

This area is haunted due to greed and the evil act of murder. The murdered man by whose name was Ryan was killed by his boss for his money belt. To this day it is thought that his spirit sticks around whooping and hollering so that his death is not forgotten. Ill gotten gains are never a good thing.  

Historical Marker - Legend of the Dungarvon Whooper


Wood Carving of Ryan in Blackville, New Brunswick (Frying Pan Missing)”

Photo (cropped): “Legend of the Dungarvon Whooper” on

Piney Woods Native Plant Center, Nacogdoches, Texas


 A tranquil and beautiful place with multiple fascinating plants and areas to explore including a swamp. It is here that most of the other worldly happenings have been reported. The story goes that a young girl was chasing butterflies and ended up getting trapped in the mud of the swamp and drowning. Her voice still heard a gurgled crying, pleading to her mother for help.

“Cypress – Tupelo Swamp”

Photo: “Escaping the Quarantine Blues in the Big Thicket” on

Appalachian Trail, Virginia

 A small boy by the name of Ottie Cline Powell was collecting firewood for his teacher and wandered father into the woods than intended and got lost. His body was eventually found curled up at the base of a tree by hunters. This was five months after his disappearance. Ottie died from exposure to the cold November weather.

Ottie Cline Powell

Photo: “The True Story of Ottie Cline Powell” by Scary Stories on their YouTube channel.

Memorial marker for Ottie Cline Powell

Photo: “The Lonesome Death of Ottie Cline Powell” by Rosemary Dunne for Blue Ridge County.

Click pic to read their article

Yosemite National Park, California


 A beautiful park with lots of things to see. One of them is the California Pines area that is located by the Yosemite Pines RV camping ground. It is said that this location is frequented by the spirits of Native Americans in the 1800’s.

Yosemite Pines Region


Vernal Falls


Closing Thoughts:

Mother nature can be very cruel but it has nothing on man (this does not include those crazy trees in the Japanese Suicide Forest). I watch a lot of true crime and it is very common for murderers to utilize forests as a dumping ground for their victims. The dense vegetation lends them great privacy to either commit their crime or cover it up.

This said forests can also be very tranquil and beautiful places that allow us to connect to something that speaks to a deeper part of ourselves. Short of sounding like a wooly headed tree hugger, being in nature can be very therapeutic even if there are spirits roaming around. We consider these entities to be otherworldly but in my head they are just as natural as everything else out in nature. After all they are naturally occurring but perhaps not understood by us as such. Food for thought little Ghoulies!


The clearest way into the universe is through a forest wilderness.
— John Muir

Happy Devouring!

The Sexton  


True Ghost Stories: Real Haunted Castles and Fortresses


True Ghost Stories: Hauntings at Sea: Real Haunted Ships, Boats, Oceans and Beaches