Satan’s Harvest
Satan’s Harvest
By Lorraine Warren, Ed Warren, Michael Lasalandra, Mark Merenda with Maurice and Nancy Theriault
The Sexton’s musings (spoilers are likely):
If any of you are familiar with the Conjuring universe you will know the name in this story. Maurice “Frenchy” Theriault from “The Nun”. This is his story. He truly was a tomato farmer in Maine. His mother and father were French-Canadians. He had 14 brothers and sisters. He worked as a child on his abusive father’s potato farm. He was the target of his father’s fury, for whatever reason. He was the first born and was forced to work the farm while his other brothers and sisters were able to be children and go to school. His father eventually forced him to quit school (he was 14 and only in grade 4) to work the farm full-time. Honestly once I got to a point where I was stronger than him I would have beaten the shit out of that fucking worthless excuse of a father. He was a bully, but he had Maurice so beaten down that it wasn’t until his 21st birthday that he was able to escape. His only saving grace was his mother and even she did not have a say in how the household was run or what happened to her children. It seems to me that the negativity the oozed off his father in the form of abuse and neglect were the reason that Maurice was plagued by dark forces later in his life. I blame his father and I hope that somewhere he is being punished for being such a piece of worthless shit during his life.
Despite all of this Maurice grew up to be a kind man. No one is perfect but overall I’d say his heart was usually in the right place. He was able to overcome many instances of darkness that seemed to find him during his life. Because of all of this abuse at the hands of his father Maurice reached out to, and invited, forces that he did not understand into his life. It’s a shame that he was never able to get an education or actually been able to join the military when he wanted to at 18 (his asshole father put a stop to that, couldn’t lose his slave) because I think that he could have done a lot. Breaks my heart.
Maurice and Nancy Theriault
The rest of the story intensifies as it rolls. Nancy, Maurice’s third wife, was a bloody saint. She stuck by him through all of this. The phenomena that he was exhibiting throughout his possession was frightening. The doppelganger, the bleeding from the eyes and mouth, thoughts of suicide, inhuman strength, speaking in a voice that was not his, facial contortions, and objects moving on their own. Multiple individuals were witness to these occurrences. There are several videos and pictures of the phenomena out there. Documentation is exceedingly important to these cases. There are pictures included in the book (middle of chapter 8).
Exorcism of Maurice Theriault
It’s amusing and infuriating to me that after all that was observed and experienced, the chief of police in this town still was trying to put Maurice in prison for one thing or another. The first being arson and insurance fraud (a few fires occurred during the possession) and after the exorcism allegations arose the he had repeatedly raped his 13 year old stepdaughter. I suspect that this was reported by the girl’s father as the girl was stating that the perpetrator looked like Maurice but was in fact not Maurice. This was the only evidence that this officer had of the assault. Which in my opinion is nothing. I don’t blame the DA’s office for not wanting to take it on. It’s not a winnable case. There is no evidence other than her statement which does not really support that it was even him that was responsible. I’m guessing that our skeptic cop suspected that she was falling for the same scam that Maurice had managed to pull on ALLLLLL of the witnesses that experienced the otherworldly occurrences. You know the lifelong scam that he never profited from or really gained anything from except having his privacy invaded and his character assassinated. This officer had it out for him for some reason. Was it demonic influence or do we have a real life example of the dumb horror movie cop in the flesh? I vote for the latter on this one.
Closing thoughts:
A very sad and tragic story who’s ending was not a happy one. In 1992 Maurice who by this time was separated from Nancy and had a restraining order issued to him made the decision to shoot Nancy (she survived, she was shot in the arm) and then take his own life by turning the gun on himself. I suspect that the exorcism was nothing more than a weakening of the entity that had Maurice in its clutches. It seems to me that this thing had been with him since the day he was born. It was part of him and would not be persuaded to detach itself completely. I’m sure there was a bit of a reprieve but it seems that it did not last long considering that by the time of his death the woman that had stood by him through all of the craziness left him and was frightened of him. So much so that she had a restraining order. This was just one more tragedy in the life of Maurice “Frenchy” Theriault. You can see portions of the exorcism on platforms such as TikToc and YouTube. From what I understand an emergency call was made to Ed and Lorraine that Frenchy’s problems had started again but they got the message too late. By the time that were able to respond Frenchy had injured Nancy and killed himself. A violent end to a tragic, heart breaking life. Of course all of this is open to interpretation so what are your thoughts little Ghoulies?