Sin Series Book 2
By A.I. Nasser
The Sexton’s musings (spoilers are likely):
This is the book where questions get answered. At first you are really fucking confused. Especially when the story moves back to the Kurtain Motel, but soon all shall be revealed. You learn more about the sins committed by the guests. You also learn why one person’s sins are not talked about. Tricky bugger! I’m still unsure about Connor. He seems like a good man but there is a reason that his background has not been talked about. That last conversation that he and Patrick have causes me to have even more questions about him. There is some mind bending, interdimensional type of stuff going on here that can sometimes make your head hurt but I think that Nasser pulls it off.
There is one reaction that I must rant about…Patrick’s reaction to Jimmy when the kid finally opens up. What in the hell is that? Patrick has seen things with his own eyes, experienced things and he still thinks that the kid is making up a story? Frustrated me to no end. Come on dude…Cameron, who you know is dead pretty much told you the same thing prior. You still think you are swimming in reality pal? Shit Tara had a complete, 180, personality change and despite not really knowing her, she does not strike me as an individual that would change quite that easily. Not to mention that fact that Jimmy has very little regard for the woman here in lovely Refuge Maine, when at the motel she was his world. Not gelling mate, not at all. I do have to admit though, it took me a bit to realize what was going on; so, good on ya squire, well played.
Truly, overall, steady writing. Same easy to read style. A unique plot line. You’re gonna want to go in for thirds here my little Ghoulies.