The Skipton Haunting: Curse of the Red-Ribbon Witch

 The Skipton Haunting:

Curse of the Red Ribbon Witch

By Andrew John Bell

The Sexton’s musings (spoilers a plenty):

Before reading the book, a note: While this is a sequel to The Skipton Haunting: Tale of the Red Ribbon Witch I have decided to read this one first. I am not in the habit of breaking apart series however when I am told that a book can be read as a stand-alone novel there is an understanding that it can be read and understood without having read the previous installments. For some reason I feel that this particular story will rub me the wrong way evoking anger and because of this I have decided to read this one first and then the afore mentioned book. Perhaps not the best of plans but we shall see little Ghoulies.   

Quarter of the way through and I was right…anger wins the day. I have a distinct issue with witches and this one is the worst kind. A man hater who is indiscriminant in who she targets, manipulating the woman around her so that she can get what she wants. Always targeting the weak and broken (which Amy is one of the most frustrating and pathetic characters I’ve had the misfortune of meeting, I understand depression but she is not willing to help herself, excuse after excuse, just kill yourself and do us all a favor). Making promises that she has no intension of keeping. I can feel the heat around my collar rising. I’m just curious to see how much control Baal has over her. I mean she was only human and “he” never was. But ultimately these two are going to pit husband against wife and it’s gonna get ugly. Call it a premonition…

Okay so a smidge over half way now. Nothing overly exciting has occurred. The witch is trying to convince Amy to allow her to possess her under the guise of “help”. Amy has been resistant to take that final step and adorn the red ribbon that has been anointed with her blood. It has been a lot of back and forth between the witch and Amy, Amy continuing to complain about how she wishes she could have a bond with her daughter, and stop being a whiney pathetic loser. I know that she is going to pick possession over talk therapy, which is what she really needs. But she doesn’t want to tell a complete stranger all her business…UM that’s exactly what you are doing anyway Amy…you don’t know Sabina nor do you know if what she has shown you is true but it seems she would rather take help from a witch that died years in the past, a witch that has given her soul over to a demonic entity so that she could have her revenge on the holy men that took her daughter from her. Look I think that countless atrocities have been committed under the guise of religion, the “cleansing” of “witches” is defiantly up there on the list. Most of these woman were essentially doctors/healers simply using natural remedies to help people and they were persecuted and murdered for it by, yes men, because woman were not allowed to become religious leaders, it’s still not allowed in many current organized religions, but to hate men specifically because of this is foolish and closed minded. Seek vengeance on those that wronged you specifically, not those that don’t even know you existed. Anyway, rant over, up to this point both Chris and Amy have doubted what they have experienced, both still talking to the entities reaching out to them, but denying the reality of the situation. Amy is starting to come to the realization that her contact with Sabina is real and is definitely on the verge of giving in, still allowing someone else to battle her demons for her. I don’t know that she realizes that she is essentially forfeiting her soul by giving into Sabina. Personally I do not find her to be all that persuasive. Some of the dreams have been disturbing but nothing that the normal reader could not handle. Nothing overly violent or gory. Yes, the first half has been a bit of a slow build and the characters frustrating. I think that the most reasonable character here is Isaac and he’s 10.

Three quarters of the way through. There are indeed some spoilers for the first book here so it may not be the worst idea to consume that one first. Although I am a nosy reader and have been known to read ahead to make sure that a dog does not die or that a charter I really hate does not win. I know that not very sporting of me but hey what can you do!? I do the same thing with competition shows…drives my family crazy. Anyway I’m sure I will be glad that John and Hannah are doing better after the first book, which I will still read immediately following this one. It’s my hope and dream that they can officially oust the malevolent, childish entities that plague the dwelling. I do think it is very interesting that Elisa appeared to Chris at the cathedral and was trying to help him evict her mother from Amy. It seems that Elisa is not very fond of her mother, or at least what her mother has become. Sounds to me like Sabina is delusional in her feelings regarding her relationship with her daughter. Don’t suspect that their mother daughter relationship is going to be mended. And the fact that she is referring to Olivia as Elisa really pisses me off. She is pathetic as is Baal, with his childish pounding and pointless jabbering treats going on and on. Honestly he and Sabina were made for each other. Both pathetic losers on an eternal scale. Like I said I really hope that these two wankers are dealt with and sent to the eternity that they both deserve. As for Amy….really bitch?! Come on…fight her. Now that she has been possessed Amy should be aware of Sabina’s true nature…oust the bitch and reclaim your family. I mean how can she let Sabina tell her son that she does not have a son? Poor kid! Bloody Pathetic! Sigh….

One more note in this a smidge over three quarter way through stage – Chris is still trying to convince himself that what is going on is not real. He is still saying things like “Angels and Demons are not real, they can’t be…” It’s beyond irritating! And this statement was made on page 295. Yet he is wanting to get “the house cleansed” ASAP…why Chris if this is all in your head?

Well it’s finally over. The final battle was somewhat anti-climactic and honestly the head of the paranormal investigators was an asshole! But they had very little effect on the situation. Oh they cleansed the house but really just set the entities free. One thing that pissed me off was when the group decided to perform the exorcism and Chris was angry that they were holding Amy down. What the fuck do you want them to do Chris? It’s not fucking Amy you pathetic shithead! It’s the witch. Why are we still talking about this? So Chris is pathetic to the end. Amy was weak and pathetic to the very end as well. Ultimately allowing Sabina to take over…hell wanting her to take over. You know you are a pathetic waste of a person when you want an evil witch bitch to take over your life, neglect and emotionally abuse your son and husband and call your daughter by the wrong name. I just can’t! By the end of the book I was so tired of everyone.

I really disliked the characters! I had no sympathy for them at all…except for Isaac and Olivia. The characters were just fragmented and frustrating. Now that is not to say that it was not well written for the most part. I think that the push for a sequel/follow up to the first book was probably there so I understand that but honestly I’m not sure that this was completely necessary. I am currently through the first chapter of the first book. So only time will tell if the book ends in a way that made a follow-up greatly anticipated. I will say this…the epilogue from this book can go somewhere. Damn that dreaded epilogue!

So to sum this one up… main characters were not great, seriously difficult to like them (other than the children) but the writing itself was decent. There was just something fragmented about the story and that may be because I read them in the incorrect order (which is not my habit). So perhaps I will feel differently after I finish the first book. But it won’t take away the fact that this story is like a residual haunting, playing the same scene over and over again. No new thoughts, no character growth, just the same thing over and over. This one probably could have been considerably shorter then it’s 380 pages.  


Happy Devouring!

The Sexton


The Skipton Haunting: Tale of the Red Ribbon Witch


The Haunting of Hill House