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A Haunting at Farrar: Investigating One of the World’s Most Haunted Schools

A Haunting At Farrar: Investigating One of the World’s Most Haunted Schools (Investigating the Haunted)

By Richard Estep & E.E. Bensen

Farrar Elementary School

Photo: Amy's Crypt - click pic to read about their time at the school

The Sexton’s musings (spoilers are likely):

A fascinating location as you would not really expect a school to be a prime location for a haunting but it seems that this school is one of the exceptions. It is suspected by the caretaker, Will, that it is the land and not the school that has a history of Native American activity many moons ago. Perhaps, with their spiritualism, this place became closer to the veil than most places typically are. An interesting thing to contemplate.

Cemetery that sits near Farrar 

Photo: "Top 11 Haunts Along the Lincoln Highway Heritage Byway" by Jeanie Hau for Prairie Rivers of Iowa - click pic to read article

This is written in a different format than I was used to with Richard. In fact there is a co-author (E. E. Bensen or Erik) that switches back and forth with Richard in telling the experiences of the investigation. This is a compelling way to report on a paranormal investigation. As we are aware we all have different reactions to the same situation and by writing the book this way the reader gets two perspectives on the same occurrences. While they may have similar things to say and some people on their Amazon reviews think that this makes the book repetitive and boring I personally think that it’s really rather brilliant. Considering that paranormal investigation is so subjective in nature. Plus we have two different writing styles set up in such a way that it’s not even in the slightest way confusing. You know whose voice you are reading, there is no doubt (plus there is a section title that tells you as such). (As a side note: for some reason before opening this book I had it in my mind that E. E. Bensen was a woman. I have no idea why. There is nothing anywhere that would necessarily mead me to think this. So when Richard started saying “Erik” I was like who the hell is Erik. I thought there were only three investigators in this trip…smh. I caught on rather quickly but I blame my aging brain for this misstep.)

This book, so far, has been the most hilarious. Being that there are just three investigators on this one and they are all middle age men should tell you somethings about the maturity level. They self-deprecating bits are absolutely belly busting. I can completely understand their plight and it’s really a matter of laughing at one’s self to keep the crying at bay. I too consider farts to be funny so the way in which I relate is along the lines of just being one of the guys. Oh and the “mosquito plague apocalypse” had me rolling. Having resident knowledge about the Midwest makes me appreciate this all too true reality. 

"The former Principal’s Office where some believe a portal lies."

Photo: Amy's Crypt

The Boiler Room

Photo: Paranormal Investigators of Milwaukee - click pic to read about their investigation

The investigation recount spans chapters 1-5. Chapters 2-4 are the ones that detail the investigation at Farrar. The first and fifth chapters are from Erik and they recount, very briefly, one night stop overs at two other haunted locations. The second half of the book are interviews that Richard and Erik have done outlining the experience that other investigations have brought about. The interviewees are Sarah Stream, John Tenney (this is a long one), Steven Tracy, Seth Alne, Meegan Campbell Rios, Lisa Kovander, Craig Nehring, Coyote Chris Sutton, Brittney Isley & Stephen Erkintalo (interviewed together), David Rountree and Nancy Oliver who owns the school with her husband Jim. The interviews will give you food for thought. It’s always interesting and vital to get input from other individuals’ experiences.   

Back of Farrar

Photo: Iowa Haunted Houses - click pic to visit their site

Click pic to read article on


Closing thoughts:

One of the interviews that is done mentions the territoriality of some paranormal investigative groups. How this causes turmoil and strife between members of the paranormal community. Listen folks, it’s hard enough in a skeptical world to even admit that you are involved in the exploration of the unseen world that swirls around us. Members of the community should not be fighting amongst themselves for something as petty as territoriality. If this territoriality is about the glory associated with “finding the holy grail” (i.e. evidence) then I suggest you choose another filed to take your infantile, disrespectful attitude. Exploring the unknown is, above all, about honoring the souls and journeys of those who came before us, with a spirit of respect, heart, and deep reverence. You can’t show that respect if all you are doing is throwing a temper tantrum like a bloody five year old. Change your attitude or get the fuck out! Your petty territoriality is after all pointless because ultimately the living are not meant to know what comes after. It is concealed from us for a reason. (fyi – inhuman energies are a different beast completely) This said, exploring and developing a connection to that which we can’t understand is food for the soul. Stop trying to “understand” and “own” and start really just being open to both the natural energies that surround us.

Collecting glimpses of the unknown world around us in the form of data is a reassurance that we are experiencing the things that we think we are. Debunking is an important part of this process however sometimes I feel that being overly skeptic can close out some experiences. Not every bump in the night is coming from beyond, dare I say most of them probably are not but don’t turn your back on experiencing something potentially amazing. Keep discovering little Ghoulies! Stay open to the stories that the world is gifting you.


Happy Devouring!

The Sexton